Electrical safety in the kitchen

Updated April 2020
The saying “too many cooks in the kitchen” may ring true with more people currently staying at home. Grocery stores are experiencing an increased demand for baking supplies such as flour, sugar, baking soda and yeast – which means more people are testing their skills in the kitchen.

  • Unattended cooking is by far the leading contributor in cooking fires. Don’t leave the stovetop unattended while cooking.
  • Large kitchen appliances such as stoves and microwave ovens require dedicated circuits. Don’t overload a circuit in your home.
  • Cutting or burning through an electrical cord puts you at risk for electrocution. Keep electrical cords away from knives, scissors and stovetops.
  • A cluttered countertop can lead to clumsiness and overloaded circuits. When you’re finished using an appliance, unplug it, wait for it to cool and put it away.
  • Always unplug appliances before adjusting their attachments. If bread gets stuck in the toaster, unplug it before attempting to remove the toast.
  • Watch children in the kitchen – ovens can get very hot, and dangling cords can easily catch on wayward limbs.
  • Move electrical appliances out of reach before using the kitchen sink. Water and electricity don’t mix.

For more information about safety, visit Manitoba Hydro’s website at hydro.mb.ca.

Prepared by Linda Carter, PHEc Public Safety & Education Coordinator, Manitoba Hydro.